Site Preparation and Development of the Isargärten Thalkirchen Quarter, Munich. Construction Time: 2004 – 2015

Revitalisation of a former railway system

The 45,000 square meter site of the new quarter Isargärten Thalkirchen is located in the south of Munich, in the heart of the civic district Thalkirchen at Thalkirchen underground station (Tierpark). Characteristic of the new quarter is in addition to the green spaces and water quality the residential area in the northern area of the property. As project managers and representatives of the developer CA Immo Deutschland GmbH omniCon headed the planning and construction services for excavation, dismantling, restructuring, ordnance clearance and disposal and development work. The development work included the preparation of a central green space with adventure playground facility and the preparation of a section of the bike trail Isartal.


Our performanceProject Management /Representative of the owner and development support:
Planning and construction services for excavation, dismantling, restructuring, ordnance clearance and disposal and development work.
Planning and construction services for traffic areas and open spaces
ClientCA Immo Deutschland GmbH
LocationSouth of Munich
Gross floor areaca. 45,000 m²
StatusFinal production cycle path and compensation areas until the end of 2015
Construction time2004 – 2015